It is a source of calcium, as well as a soil improver. It helps root development, improves the consistency of the cell wall, increases resistance to pathogens, increases the quality of the fruit and post-harvest.
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Alguillenado is a fertilizer for the supply of potassium as a complement to conventional fertilization, which does not contain Nitrogen, sulfate or chloride. It can be applied foliarly or dissolved in irrigation water. Potassium is required in the accumulation and translocation of newly formed carbohydrates (sugars, starches, etc.), hence its important role in the fruiting stage.
ALGUIMgNESIO is a complex that integrates magnesium and adjuvants in itsformulation and is used to provide exclusively magnesium to theplant in an efficient and fast manner in anytype of soil condition with an excellent cost-benefit ratio.
ALGUIRAÍZ is a combination of zinc and organic acids whose purpose is to induce the emission of roots, as well as to strengthen their subsequent growth. It helps to strengthen the roots due to the organic acids contained in its formulation and activates the plant metabolically by inducing its own formation of auxins.
B-taminagro is a biostimulant product based on vitamins, hormones, amino acids and organic acids of plant origin that stimulates the metabolism of plants, ensuring their normal growth and development.
PHOLY CLEAN has a broad spectrum of bactericidal, fungicidal and virucidal action. The mechanism of action is based on its positive charges that neutralize the negative charges and modify the permeability of the cellular membrane of the microorganism, releasing the internal constituents and finally causing the death of the microbial cell.
Titan BMo increases the absorption of some macro and micro nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus and calcium in plants; it improves pollen tube germination and seed production processes. TITAN BMo is a systemic compound that affects the physiological processes in plants, stimulating enzymes such as catalase, peroxidase, lipoxidase or nitrate reductase.