DÜNGER focuses on adapting agricultural practices to the specific conditions of each site, using advanced technologies and detailed data to maximize agricultural efficiency and productivity. The combination of drones and satellites allows farmers to collect detailed data at the plant level that provides valuable information for agricultural decision making.

Multispectral mapping



Multispectral images allow monitoring of small changes in visible and infrared radiation reflected by the plant.

DÜNGER provides drone support to detect plants under stress, monitor their growth, plan irrigation frequency and planting and harvesting periods, or perform a multitude of functions in crop management.

Infrared variations indicate changes in vegetation long before they appear in the human visible spectrum, making it possible to react in time to pests or threats that would inevitably result in crop loss.

Crop monitoring and plant health


The digital surface model is another tool for precision agriculture that allows, through the use of drones, the recognition of the terrain of its cultivation. This facilitates the planning of activities such as irrigation systems, shading, sowing and much more, improving its management and productivity.

Field boundaries

Import or draw field boundaries to focus your analysis only on areas of interest.

Vegetation index map

Its function is to enhance vegetation based on its spectral response and attenuate the details of other elements such as soil, lighting, water, etc. These are images calculated from algebraic operations between different spectral bands.